大准提陀罗尼 Maha Cundi Dharani
One who
does the practice of Cundi is able to eradicate all past negative karma and
avoid all calamities. All that one wishes for in this lifetime, and all siddhis
of worldly and transcendental practices, shall swiftly manifest.
distributor & publisher: AwakenPublishing (KMSPKS)
Email us: publication@kmspks.org
Our True Heritage CD Includes:
(Songs inspired by poems of Thich Nhat Hanh)
(1) Interbeing
(2) Walking Meditation
(3) Our True Heritage
(4-6) karaoke
listen @ http://www.muziboo.com/Bodhicitta/music/albums/our-true-heritage/
(P)+(C) Bodhicitta Productions. Distributed by Awaken Publishing & Design (KMSPKS). All rights of the producer and the owner of the work reproduced reserved.Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this disc is prohibited.
(A Bodhicitta production with the blessing of Plum Village.)
慈愛Boundless Love CD Includes:
(1)The Three Refuge 三皈依 (巴利文Pali)
(2)Salutation To the Triple Gem 禮敬三寳 (巴利文Pali)
(3)Boundless Love 慈愛(粵Canto).
(4-6) Instrumental
Listen @ http://audio.buddhistdoor.com/chi/play/1363
(C) Bodhicitta Productions. Sole Distributed by Asrama Dhammapala Buddhist Lodge Ltd. All rights of the producer and the owner of the work reproduced reserved.Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this disc is prohibited.
Reverence 合十,Bodhicitta Tenth year of composition, sharing, Singing, gratitude and journey. A compliation of the best of our works and new hymn for the last decade in 2Cds.
"Reverence"Bodhicitta 10th Anniversary Priceless CD
@ Awareness Place (Well Being) Centre#03-39 Bras Basah Complex, Singapore 180231
Tel/Fax. 6336 5067 Email: apmc[at]awarenessplace{dot}com
Let’s Sing Together佛曲大家唱系列 (2). "True Love,真爱"It comes with five original buddhist hymns about "True Love,真爱",and a step-by-step guidebook on how Buddhist Hymns can contribute to the learning and sharing of Dhamma in a group setting. Its aim is to keep Dharma learning engaging, fun and interactive. 五首有关真爱的本质~四无量心的原创歌曲 。[More...]
Let’s Sing Together佛曲大家唱系列(1). "Refuge,皈依"
It comes with five beautiful buddhist hymns about our supreme Refuge, and a step-by-step guidebook on how Buddhist Hymns can contribute to the learning and sharing of Dhamma in a group setting. Its aim is to keep Dharma learning engaging, fun and interactive. [More...]
The Great Dharani and Heart Mantra of Medicine Buddha
Ancient teachings tell us that merely seeing the Medicine Buddha, or even seeing an image of the Medicine Buddha, or hearing the name of the Medicine Buddha, can confer inconceivable benefits. The action of the Buddha of Healing, who has the power to see the true cause of any affliction, whether spiritual, physical or psychological, and who does whatever is necessary to alleviate it.
此咒有大威德,若能念诵药师真言,即可消除病苦,延年益寿。如言:“曼殊师利!若见男子女人有病苦者,应当一心,为彼病人,常清净澡漱,或食,或药,或无虫水。咒一百遍,与彼服食,所有病苦悉皆消灭。若有所求,志心念诵,皆得如是,无病延年。命终之后,生彼世界,得不退转,乃至菩提”。此言于此真言若自诵,若教人诵,皆得消灾获福者也。music clip 试听
Bodhicitta菩提心2 in CD, A creative collabration of the most Ven Kalsang Rinpoche and Bodhicitta Group.Experience the warm and deep chant by Ven Kalsang Rinpoche, melodious song of Lojong the essence of Bodhicitta practice,mantra of compassion by Bodhicitta group.
2双CD 菩提心~圆满成就的根本Bodhicitta-the basis of Perfect Accomplishment收录了尊贵嘉赏耶希宁波切[金刚莲冠持有者]/温柔丰厚,触动心灵的法音。菩提吉他优美的唱诵/菩提心诀窍~修心八颂/净悦之泉~六字大明咒
Sample Music Clips/下载试听[WMA]
Mantra of Compassion(六字大明咒)1MBby All
Generation of Bodhicitta (发殊胜菩提心)0.9MB
byVen, Kalsang Rinpoche/尊贵嘉赏耶希宁波切
修心八颂 (Lojong in Mandarin)2.3MB
by Bodhicitta/菩提吉他
Everflowing water of Bodhicitta(Lojong in English)3.2MB
by Bodhicitta/菩提吉他
Refuge 皈依
Taking refuge in the Buddha,
May we be awakened and not lost in delusions.
Taking refuge in the Dharma,
May we be righteousand not deviate from the teachings.
Taking refuge in the Sangha,
May we be pure and not defiled.
A melodious Gatha sung in recollection and arise of the most precious Triple Gem,which offers refuge from suffering and a path to ultimate happiness.
归依 归依佛,我们愿觉而不迷。
通过唱诵优美的偈语,赞叹、 忆念众生的真正归依处
~教导离苦得乐之道的至尊三宝。 music clip试听
See Deep 本来面目
See Deep and you'll see yourself.在盲目追求生活的种种时,往往很容易就迷失自己,从而看不清自己的本来面目,失去方向。。。我们盼望彼此能够回归最单纯的心灵,认清最真实的自我。
music clips 试听